Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Destination 1: North American Transform Boundary

I'm beginning my trip in North America, starting with California.  I got the chance to stay at the Palms Hotel, right next to the San Andreas Fault. I stayed on the top floor and had a spectacular view of the Fault. I would definitely recommend the Kettle Kitchen for dinner (I ate the Salisbury Streak and mashed potatoes, it was delectable). Then head over to the viewing center of the fault. I've been having an amazing time.

The San Andreas Fault is actually very interesting. It is an example of a transform boundary, which is created by two plates sliding past each other. When you have a transform boundary, it creates a lot of earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault was created by the North American plate sliding past the Pacific Plate, creating the San Andreas Fault, this is called a transform boundary.

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